
Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday Foreshadowing

After two weeks of collecting recipes I had quite the collection to choose from. Here are my top five.
  • Wheat Crackers from Morsels of Life: I made crackers mimicking Cheeze-its this week and now I have the cracker bug.
  • The BEST Ham Sandwiches from The Keune Home: I love ham and I love Hawaiian rolls.
  • Cinnamon Roll Biscuits from Money Saving Mom: This is another cinnamon roll recipe to add to my list that I sadly never get around to tyring because I feel I should make something "healthy".
  • Spasagna from The Country Cook: This looks like such a tasty idea. By combining both spaghetti and alfredo, both delicious on their own, how can you go wrong?
  • Cake Doughnut Muffins from A Pretty Life in the Suburbs: If you put the word muffins in the name along with doughnut they're instantly better for you, right?
This is linked to Friday Favorites.


  1. Coming over from Friday Favorite Finds. Your list look great. I am off to get that Spasagna recipe. Thanks for linking up.

  2. Thanks for linking my Wheat Crackers recipe here! Wasn't it amazing how easy they were to make? :)

  3. Thanks for dropping by to check out my Friday Favorites list. :) I have GOT to try those Cake Doughnut Muffins, they sure set my sweet tooth off!
