
Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Foreshadowing

It was a busy week so I didn't spend a lot of time at the computer. That's evident in the fact that I only have a few recipes I bookmarked this week.
  • Homemade Taco Seasoning from Heavenly Homemakers: I would love to have this on hand. I need to pick up cumin first but that's been on my {mental} list for a while {I just never actually remember that when I'm at the store}.
  • Rocky Ledge Bars from Martha Stewart: Oh my goodness! Look at all the delicious things in these bars!
  • Meatless {But You'd Never Know It} Chili from BHG: I've been trying to make more meals with less meat and this definitely falls in that category.
This is linked to Friday Favorites.


  1. I use Laura's taco seasoning, it's great!

  2. Your list may be short this week, but it is a good one. Homemade taco seasoning is wonderful to keep on hand. The cookies look delicious, and I have never heard of using wheat berries to "bulk up" chili Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love homemade taco seasoning! so much better than store bought. :)
