
Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday Foreshadowing

~Taco Pizza from The Taste Tester: I was looking around for hints of how to successfully freeze pizza dough and happened upon this recipe for Taco Pizza. Even though we have many varieties, it's always fun to try something new.
Make a freezer ready pizza (there is more to it than you'd think!)-- cheaper than store-bought, better than DiGiorno, and they make an excellent gift for new moms :)
~Cinnamon Swirl Bread from Mel's Kitchen Cafe: One of my favorite things growing up was the sugar crusted, breaks apart in your hands because of all the swirls, cinnamon bread from the grocery store. Now I'm sure this recipe won't quite match it and honestly, that's okay, because I don't want to know how much sugar is in the grocery store version. This looks like it could be a good stand-in though.
Cinnamon Swirl Bread from Mel's Kitchen Cafe
~Candy Cookie Bars from Family, Food and Fun: A cookie bar topped with chocolate, peanuts and peanut butter? I must try this!
~Black Bean & Cheese Quesadillas from Tidy Mom: I've learned/observed recently that my husband is much more receptive to meatless meals than in the past, as long as there's lots of flavor and "stuff" to the meal. Because of that, I've been marking more meatless meals and looking forward to trying them instead of just letting them sit in my to-try folder.
Black Bean and Cheese Quesadillas recipe at
~Crock Pot Cheesy Chicken Broccoli Over Rice from Clipping Money: I'm {again} trying to make more of an effort to use my crock pot more. When I saw this recipe I knew we should try it because we love Cheesy Broccoli Soup and this is similar, just a thicker.

All images are from the original recipe source.
This is linked to Friday Favorites.


  1. Bean and Cheese quesadillas are a regular at our house! We just do beans, cheese, and either taco or fajita seasoning. Matt actually prefers these to chicken quesadillas now!

  2. I like the chicken and broccoli find! Looks delicious!

  3. Ooh the chicken and broccoli looks good!
    Stopping in from FFF
