
Monday, September 26, 2011

Menu 9-26

Recap From Last Week:

I ended up trying a lot of new recipes this week. It was fun, enjoyable and I'm making a slight dent in my list of recipes to try! We found some keepers, some places for some improvement and some tossers.
The Stromboli on Monday was good, as usual. I ended up using ham, pastrami, peas, corn and cheese. Unfortunately, I forgot to spray the baking sheet so it stuck a little bit but it didn't affect the taste! 
The Pumpkin Soup and Sausage Rolls complemented each other very nicely. While we enjoyed the soup we probably won't have it again. The sausage rolls on the other hand will definitely be made again. They came together quickly (I had cooked sausage in the freezer already which helped immensely) and the taste was great.
The Ham and Peach Sandwiches turned out the best I have ever made them! I tried a new bread recipe, Wheat Buttermilk Bread. I can't decide if I'm 100% sold on it. It was great for the sandwiches but I used some of the rest for peanut butter and jelly and it almost had a sourdough taste to it. (Keep in mind I don't care for sourdough so my opinion could be skewed.) I'll probably try it again though.
I put about 1/2 cup chopped onion in the Chicken Enchiladas this time and didn't really measure the salsa. That combination made for spicier than normal Chicken Enchiladas but thankfully, they were still good. I'll try the onions again but maybe not quite as many.
Much to my husband's delight, I rolled the pizza dough for Chicken Bacon Ranch Pizza out into circles (of sorts) as opposed to my typical rectangle. I think I might keep doing it that way as we got three meals out of it instead of two.
We tried Pumpkin Pancakes for brunch of Saturday. I made a third of the original recipe so some of the measurements were a little goofy. Next time I'm going to put more cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger in as we couldn't really taste any of it. Overall though they were great.
I made myself a Pumpkin Spice Latte (my favorite fall drink at Starbucks!) twice this week. The second was definitely better as I learned from the first time. I blended everything before and after warming it which served a two-fold purpose. First, it helped the pumpkin incorporate more and not be chunky at the bottom of the cup and second, it was wonderfully frothy!
We had Cake Doughnut Muffins for breakfasts. They were awesome! I especially liked them after warming them in the microwave for about 15 seconds; it really brings out the goodness.
We were given another zucchini this week so this time I tried Chocolate Zucchini cake (a recipe from my sister). It was really delicious. The zucchini added a lot to the flavor, almost a nutty type of taste.
I also tried making Homemade Graham Crackers. I wasn't watching them carefully though and they ended up burning slightly. Some of it was still salvageable and from those parts I know I will be trying this again (and watching a little closer).
The Cinnamon Sugar Bread that I highlighted on Friday was awesome! It turned out very moist and wonderful. Next time I'm going to try adding some cinnamon to the bread batter as well.

Onto This Week:
  • Monday: Chicken Cordon Bleu: This is a recipe from someone at our old church. I'm going to try adapting the recipe a little bit, hopefully with good results.
  • Tuesday: Cream Cheese Pasta with Breadsticks: I cannot remember the last time I made this, probably because I didn't have hamburger for such a long time. I'm also looking forward to the Breadsticks!
  • Wednesday: Out to Eat: Husband's choice where we go, so who knows!
  • Thursday: Hot Dogs and Baked Beans: What can you say about such a combination? Simple, delicious, typical: sounds good to me!
  • Friday: Pizza Night! Sweet Hawaiian Pizza: Since we went with Chicken Bacon Ranch last week this week it's definitely Sweet Hawaiian.
  • Saturday Brunch: TBD: Maybe not the best idea but Saturday is so far away I have plenty of time to think about it, right?
Visit I'm an Organizing Junkie for more menu ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Great menu! Your Stromboli from last week looks delicious. I really need to try one.
